how this works

Most health clinics focus on diagnosing and treating a disease. Symptoms and systems are compartmentalized and addressed without any regards to other things outside of that "compartment".  The body is approached as though it is confused and broken.  At The Functional Perspective we address imbalances through natural methods of healing. We understand our body is an amazing and complex body where symptoms are warning lights pointing us to the imbalances going on under the surface. Our job is to connect the dots through detective work as we sift through history, labs, and symptoms to help you find the pieces to your health puzzle and put them back together in a way which brings restoration.

Phase 1: Gaining Clarity

Our number one goal is to help you get crystal clear on where you are in your health journey and where you want to be. This is why we help you to kick-start that process with our complimentary Functional Health Score and Discovery Consult. Together they allow you and I to see if we can help you identify the missing pieces of your health.

Book your complimentary consult HERE

Get your Functional Health Score HERE

The next step to transforming health is the in-depth history gathering process. We will look at a wide array of factors which play a role in health. I promise that no one has ever delved this deep into your health background as I will.

Phase 2: Digging Deeper

From this day forward, your health journey will change from chasing symptoms to supporting your innate healing systems. We go over, in depth, what your program will consist of and which lab testing suggestions, supplements, nutritional recommendations, and lifestyle changes will best align with your health goals.

The main areas we always look at are:

  • Detoxification
  • Digestion
  • Hormone pathways

    Of course, the specific testing will be dependent on your unique history. We take a minimalist approach while sticking to our philosophy of ‘test, don’t guess’. 

Phase 3: Putting Pieces Together

Up to this point most of the efforts are focused on information gathering and discerning what that data is telling us. The next steps are where the ‘action’ is. We will delve into food, activity and lifestyle changes that assist in tapping into your body’s innate healing system. This is where we start to put the puzzle pieces of your health together to...

This happens after we receive your lab results. We streamline your program incorporating the necessary changes to your food plans and supplement recommendations based on the lab test results. All recommendations are personalized to each client and work to optimize your body’s innate healing capabilities..

With the information from your initial assessment and health history, a customized meal plan and nutritional supplement program will be discussed with you. This will help ensure your body is getting the right nutrients to aid in your recovery and healing.

In addition to a food plan, we will work together to create a holistic lifestyle plan that will fit into your life while supporting a state of rejuvenation in your body. Lifestyle education is one of the most important factors in the long term success of your program.

Activity is another area which impacts your health journey. Based on your health history and initial assessment, we will work with you to come up with an ideal activity program for you. One that you can do on your own, without having to invest in any extra equipment. The most important part of this is that it is designed based on how it pertains to promoting health and vitality in relation to your unique needs.

Functional Health and Wellness is based on getting to the root of the problem by removing the triggers which derailed your health and strengthening your immune system to prevent it from happening again. At the end of the day, it is based in evidence. Retesting allows us to make sure we’re doing what we promised and seeing to it that your health is truly restored.

Enjoying the creation of health - Live a life full of joy and vitality!


Better Results, Less Time, Custom Plans -

  • With cutting edge approaches we can determine which areas may need extra support
  • What foods work best for your body
  • How to create a health plan that supports the body healing and rejuvenation through natural methods!

How Can A Functional Approach Help?

  • Get answers to why some protocols work for some and not others!
  • Gain insights into how you metabolize, detox and to support your body to get back to health!
  • Find ways to put an end to autoimmunity, bloating, chronic fatigue, brain fog, and leaky gut!
  • Understand why some respond with adverse reactions to vaccines or other interventions!
  • Get ready to find all the pieces to your health puzzle AND put them together to renew health & vitality!

Digestive Health Pricing

Case Review

Simple, fast and effective flexible option

$ 297

  • 60-minute Comprehensive Consult
  • 30-minute Follow-up within 30 days
  • Review of Previous Lab History
  • 15% Discount on Supplements
  • Access to Cash-Lab Pricing
Gut Health Program

Comprehensive labs, consults, and strategies


$ 3297

  • 60-minute Comprehensive Consult
  • Gi Map Stool Test
  • Intestinal Permeability Testing (leaky-gut)
  • Micronutrient Testing
  • Food Sensitivity Testing
  • Foundational Bloodwork
  • 6 Follow-up Visits
  • 3 Visits with a Nutritionist
  • Personalized Strategy
  • Food Plan
  • Review of Previous Lab History
  • Online workshop access
  • 25% Discount on Supplements
  • Access to Cash-Lab Pricing