"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."
-Thomas Edison

Natural approaches to Autism, Aspergers, and ADD/ADHD


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    What it means to approach Autism functionally
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    What is really going on with nutrient deficiencies and why most supplements do
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    Ways to get to the root cause of Autism and how to create a winning strategy for optimal health

Autism does not discriminate and families and individuals of all cultures, ethnicities, and socioeconomic status are affected.  No matter what the statistics say, individuals with an autism diagnosis and their families deserve the basic right to maximize the quality of life and live in a world where they are always respected and valued. 

During this experience, you will finally have the chance to learn holistic techniques to reduce symptoms and find out how taking a functional approach can help make the future look a lot brighter with practical tips and tools to get your child's health on the path to restoration and vitality.

Presented by

Salena Rothenberger, D.PSc, CHC, CFMP

Salena Rothenberger is a certified Functional Health Practitioner and founder of The Functional Perspective.  She has helped individuals, including mothers and their children, take charge of their health as they regain quality time, health and vitality by teaching them natural methods healing.

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