Category Archives for "Health"

Combating Autoimmunity Naturally

Combating Autoimmunity Naturally

Are you ready to reach your optimal health?

Do you want to regain your vitality? 

Have you been begging for your issues to be truly heard?

What is stopping you from getting the help you deserve?

According to The American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA), there are approximately 50 million Americans suffering from autoimmune diseases. That equates to 20 percent of the population!

With over 100 known autoimmune diseases today, autoimmunity has become a major chronic health problem and diagnosis for these diseases are difficult, research is limited, and conventional treatment is often counterintuitive.


During Combat Autoimmune Challenges Naturally, we will discuss strategies to overcome these obstacles with the help of functional health approaches.

Functional health approaches focus on:

  • The individuality of each individual, based on their genetics, environment, and unique health history.
  • An individual-centered approach, rather than simply treating the symptoms of the disease.
  • The identification of health as a dynamic balance of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well being, rather than just the absence of disease.
  • The complex mix of interactions of nutrition, physical activity, organ integrity, and stress management.
  • Prevention of complex, chronic conditions that need specialized care.


Join us to get clear on how you can reverse (and even prevent!) autoimmune complications at our next online webinar, Combat Autoimmune Challenges Naturally, on Saturday, November 17th at 1:00 pm CST.


The Dangers of Candida

The Dangers of Candida

Did you know that ancient Romans discovered yeast without knowing it? In fact, they learned that dough left in the sun can be “revived” after adding the sugar!

Did you know yeast has been used for the process of making beer and wine thousands of years before it was discovered by converting sugar into alcohol?

Did you know yeast is a fungus that helps keep the digestive system and immune system healthy and also helps absorb vitamins and minerals from your food?

Did you know certain species of yeast can induce various diseases in humans and animals?

Candida albicans, for example, can induce infection in the mouth and gastrointestinal tract of humans.  And, has been known to be directly tied to cancer since 1913!

There is a very good chance that this very moment you have a yeast overgrowth and don’t even realize it! As according to the molecular biologists at Rice University, 70 percent of all people are affected by Candida, a systemic yeast-fungal infection. Don’t worry, though, as this potentially harmful and preventable health condition can easily be corrected naturally!

Our goal is to help you improve your gut to stay healthy, which is why we invite you to attend our on-demand webinar HERE

During this experience, you will learn about the function yeast plays in the body and what happens when it becomes out of control, thus causing candida.

Heal Your Child Summit – 2018

I am super excited to be able to share the following information with you!  Our children are now sicker than we are – over 50% of the children in the United States has a chronic illness and over 45% of those have multiple illnesses!  This MUST stop!

In order for that to happen parents must be equipped with information to turn their children’s health around.  Which is what the Heal Your Child Summit 2018 is all about!!!

It is an honor to be a part of this wonderful movement to empower parents and equip them with ways to take charge of their child’s health.  Connecting with Health Professionals, Researchers, Community Activists, and Thought Leaders from Around the World to Share Their Most Strategic Secrets and Resources to Parents of Children with Chronic Illness is at the core of my mission.   Please join me and others who are on that journey to restore health in their child through natural methods.  This is a FREE online summit with an abundance of resources, strategies and practical tips from holistic, natural and, functional perspectives.


“Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” – WHO

Imagine some of the world’s top experts on Chronic Illness coming together to discuss their #1 HEALING strategies.  And not only are they gathering, but you have a VIP Invitation to this limited space event.  By attending you are able to quickly and easily implement their strategies for Empowering yourself with strategies, resources, and evidence-based research to help you heal your child.

Well, there is no need to imagine.  This is exactly what’s happening September 17-21, 2018 at the HEAL YOUR CHILD SUMMIT.  But don’t worry if you can’t make it to every live call.  We’ll be recording every moment and taking notes.

I have to warn you though, the purpose of this Summit is not to discuss the latest greatest drug or medical intervention to manage your child’s chronic illness.  We are NOT in the business of diagnosing, treating, or curing disease. We WILL NOT pursue a pill for every ill.  The presenters in this summit are seekers of the truth and function as detectives to help you uncover and understand the ROOT CAUSES of your child’s chronic illness.

Be sure to tune in on Monday, September 17th where I will be presenting: Healing Your Microbiome – Pesky Bugs, or Cute Critters?  Here I will delve into the foundation of creating a microbiome which promotes health and restoration along with strategies to uncover the root of an imbalanced GI tract.  It will be a power-packed day as Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo delves into Genetics and tackles the myths surrounding genetics: Destiny of Dis-Ease or Opportunity for Health and Prevention.  

You will also want to tune into my friend and functional medicine colleague Dr. Neil Paulvin as he provides insights on craniosacral therapy and opening up healing opportunities through removing obstructions with chiropractic manipulations.   Every day is filled with great information, I am so excited to be sharing this with you and look forward to seeing you there!

Remember to help me spread the word!

GUEST POST: Is Reactivated Epstein-Barr Causing Your Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Here is How To Tell (And What To Do About It)

Today I have a special guest, a very passionate functional medicine colleague who helps women with chronic fatigue syndrome reclaim their energy, joy & clarity so they can truly thrive again.   She has been generous to share with us this great information, my hope is it can benefit you or someone you love who is challenged with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome!  Here’s Laura!

Hey there! My name’s Laura. I’m a certified functional medicine practitioner over at and I specialize in helping women fully recover from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and get their lives and their health back.

Some research has suggested reactivated Epstein-Barr Virus plays a role in CFS, although findings are somewhat controversial. Clinically, however, I find reactivated EBV is at least partially responsible (and sometimes completely responsible) for CFS in around 30% of the women I work with.

Epstein-Barr is the virus that commonly causes mononucleosis, a.k.a. “mono” or glandular fever, but it can stay in the body and silently wreak havoc long after the mono phase is over. This virus can live in someone for decades, sneaking in and out of activity because of stress or other imbalances in the body.

Reactivated Epstein-Barr can cause

  • fatigue/exhaustion
  • anxiety and depression
  • systemic inflammation
  • muscle and joint pain
  • brain fog
  • swollen glands in the neck
  • Hashimoto’s or hypothyroidism
  • and it is linked to multiple other autoimmune diseases and even certain cancers

Reactivated EBV is often misdiagnosed. New research shows a link between reactivated EBV and fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, and possibly chronic fatigue syndrome.

By the time you are done reading this article, you will know exactly how to test for Epstein-Barr and interpret your results AND you’ll also learn my tried-and-true strategies for recovering.

First, talk with your doctor or practitioner about getting a lab that shows all four EBV antibodies. These antibodies include EBV VCA IgG, EBV VCA IgM, EBV EBNA IgG, and EBV EA IgG.

If you aren’t currently working with a doctor, you can order this full panel from

So as to not overwhelm you, I’m going to add this in as a side note: It’s possible to get a “false negative” on your results if your total immunoglobulin G + M are less than normal. You can foolproof this a bit more by asking your doctor to order “Quantitative Immunoglobulins G + M” to add to your panel. This is how I order it in my clients so we make sure results are that much more accurate.

Interpretation of the EBV blood test in the way I’ll describe is pretty accurate, but not 100% accurate according to the medical literature. There are no definitive results when it comes to most lab tests, but these four antibodies give us a pretty good picture.

Once you have your results back, take a look at this chart from Newfoundland and Labrador Public Health Library:

You want to pay attention to “reactivation” on the right-hand side. The EA IgG (blue dotted line) is the most important ones to look at in terms of reactivated EBV. It has been shown to be elevated in 10 out of 11 cases of reactivated EBV. Its possible yet rare that EA can be negative, however, and there will still be a chronic infection.

I find VCA IgM is rarely raised in reactivation and is usually raised in initial infection only (mononucleosis/glandular fever).

A typical picture of reactivation will be elevated EA IgG, VCA IgG, and EBNA IgG.

A less typical picture of reactivation will be either the VCA IgG or the EBNA IgG markers (or both) being above 100 U/mL, and the EA IgG and VCA IgM markers being in normal range. This generally means the testing was done in a “lull” phase of reactivation but the virus is prone to reactivating. I would still recommend using anti-viral herbs and supplements, as many with this picture feel infinitely better once they follow an anti-viral protocol for a few months.

Also keep in mind that the EA IgG marker is also elevated in 20 – 30% of patients that are perfectly healthy now but did have a past Epstein-Barr infection like mononucleosis. If you’re reading this article and ordering this test because you have EBV symptoms, you’re likely not in this 20 – 30%… but it’s still good to keep this in mind for re-testing.

Which Supplements And Herbs Get Rid Of EBV?

Now that you know if you’re likely dealing with reactivation of EBV, let’s take a look at specific, scientifically studied botanicals and supplements to help get rid of it.

Note that the goal of recovering from reactivated EBV is to get the virus to go back into a “dormant” state.

Multiple different vitamins and minerals have scientific links showing their benefit to boosting up the immune system to attack viruses. These include vitamin A, D, methylated B12, C, and zinc.

The best direct anti-viral herbs and supplements for EBV include boswellia, turmeric, ginger, licorice (not DGL), selenium, alpha lipoic acid (caution if you have amalgam/mercury fillings), CBD oil, baicalin/Chinese Skullcap, passionflower, reishi, berberine, and lysine.

The best herbs and supplements to support methylation and detoxification for EBV include Hawaiian spirulina, NAC, P5P, and methyl groups such as SAMe, methyl-, adenosyl-, and hydroxycobalamin.

I generally recommend incorporating standard daily values of vitamin A, D, and zinc, although more may be needed if a blood test shows a deficiency. If alkaline phosphatase (part of a standard blood test) is lower than 70 u/l, that is generally a fairly good indication of zinc deficiency. I recommend incorporating fairly large doses of vitamin C and B12 as they are water soluble and can be taken in higher concentrations than vitamins A and D without risk of toxicity.

For the direct anti-viral herbs and supplements, I recommend starting with a heavy dose of 3-5 of these products and rotating or adding in as you recover.

Supporting methylation and detoxification is usually necessary as genetics play a role in these processes as well. It’s especially important if you have the MTHFR gene. So as not to overdo it with supplements, I generally recommend just 1-2 of the methylation & detoxification products at a time.

Foods To Eat & Not To Eat

For reactivated EBV, one of the most import things you can do is to follow a no-egg anti-inflammatory diet.

Inflammation causes stress. Stress wreaks havoc on the adrenals. When the adrenals are in bad shape, the immune system takes a hit, and EBV is more prone to becoming out of control.

My favorite anti-inflammatory diet is what I like to call a “high-vegetable” gluten-free & dairy-free diet. I recommend at least four cups of vegetables per day, as their high antioxidant content is important for normalizing detox processes in the body. If tolerated raw, the beneficial soil-based microorganisms found on them will help to repopulate the microbiome of the digestive tract as well. I also recommend staying away from eggs, as EBV increases the likelihood of egg allergies.i

Go organic. Especially for meats and animal products. Organic food has been proven to be much more nutrient and antioxidant denseii than non-organic food. This is incredibly important to heal the cellular processes of the body, not to mention the relief your detox pathways will feel when they don’t have to detox and process pesticides and herbicides.

Organic, grass-fed, and free-range meats and animal products have a completely different nutrient and omega profile than conventionally raised animal products, and generally tend to be anti-inflammatory (as opposed to conventionally raised animal products which tend to be pro-inflammatory).

It’s incredibly important to note that “killing” the EBV virus is just the first step. The bigger picture is bringing your body back into a state of balance so the immune system isn’t compromised and the EBV doesn’t take over again. In the greater picture of so many conditions that tend to have “layers” like chronic Lyme, reactivated EBV, adrenal fatigue, hormone imbalance, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), its incredibly important to make sure not only are you killing the bad guys, but also supporting detox and methylation pathways, understanding if gut bugs are present, if environmental or mold illness is a factor, if food allergies are present, if autoimmunity against the thyroid or other organs is at play, and if there’s systemic inflammation that’s halting the healing process.

Reactivated EBV can start to turn around in as little as 2 weeks, although many need a longer-term program that lasts multiple months to notice a huge difference. If you are on the right track, you should see your antibodies decrease after 2 months.

After this time, go back to step one and retest yourself for EBV antibodies. If you’re moving in the right direction, your antibodies (ANY of the four) should go down. Of course, the most important part is to get you feeling radically better, but seeing absolute proof that what you are doing is working can be a wonderful support!

As with any advice you read on the internet, this info is for educational purposes only. Before implementing any changes in your diet/lifestyle/supplement routine, be sure you talk with your own doctor to understand if these suggestions are appropriate for you.

All the best in your radical recovery from reactivated EBV,




1 Loebel (2014) Deficient EBV-specific B- and T-cell response in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.

2 Fagundes (2014) Attachment anxiety is related to Epstein-Barr virus latency.

3 Esterling (1993) Defensiveness, trait anxiety, and Epstein-Barr viral capsid antigen antibody titers in healthy college

4 Onozawa (2017) Inflammatory cytokine production in chronic active Epstein-Barr virus infection.

5 Janegova (2015) The role of Epstein-Barr virus infection in the development of autoimmune thyroid diseases.

6 Samson (2017) Local Doctor Gives Hope To Fibromyalgia Sufferers
fibromyalgia-sufferers (article, not a clinical study)

7 Pavletic (2017) Early Disseminated Lyme Disease Causing False-Positive Serology for Primary Epstein-Barr Virus
Infection: Report of 2 Cases.

8 Harley (2018) Transcription factors operate across disease loci, with EBNA2 implicated in autoimmunity

9 Henle (1981) Epstein-Barr virus-specific serology in immunologically compromised individuals.

10 Mora (2010) Vitamin effects on the immune system: vitamins A and D take centre stage.

Sensational Tuna Salad

Look what my children surprised me with for lunch today!  It was absolutely SENSATIONAL!  I think they are ready to use our summer vegetables and couldn’t pass up this colorful, scrumptious combination!

[recipe title=”Sensational Tuna Salad” servings=”4-6″ time=”approx 15 min” difficulty=”super easy” image= description=”Sensational, super easy tuna salad.”] [recipe-notes] Credit: The Functional Perspective
Inspired by: Family original!
[/recipe-notes] [recipe-ingredients] – 2 cans of Tuna
– 1-2 Apples – diced
– 5-6 Sweet Peppers – diced
– 3 Stalks of Celery – diced
– 1/2 can of Olives – chopped
– 1/8 cup of Onion – chopped
– Olive oil or other oil to taste
– optional: Sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, cranberries
[/recipe-ingredients] [recipe-directions] 1. Rinse and chop vegetables and mix all ingredients in a bowl. Serve with lettuce for a great lunch during hot summer months!
[/recipe-directions] [/recipe]

Top 3 Brain Boosting Foods!

Top 3 Brain-Boosting Foods Fish: Wild Caught Salmon (Omega-3s – DHA & EPA) Berries: Blueberries, Blackberries (antioxidants) Greens: Bok Choy, Spinach, Collard Greens (folate)

One of the common complaints about health is having brain-fog.  We often think this is just a part of aging which we have no control over.  Is that the case? What happens when we look at our brain from a functional perspective?

The simple fact is food affects our brain, for better or worse. Choosing foods which support proper brain function is vital to our overall wellness. Growth of healthy cells, healthy connections in the brain and efficient operation of our brain, and in turn our entire body, are affected by the foods we choose to consume. One of my favorite sayings about brain health comes from Dr. William Sears:

“Forget low-carb and low-fat diets. Eat a ‘right-carb’ and a ‘right-fat’ diet for optimal brain health!”

I couldn’t agree more! The quality of what we eat is of greater importance than the quantity. Let’s take a quick look at our brain health and food

When our brain is provided with healthy nourishment it can make healthy connections, process information, create memories and signal muscles and hormones to react and move. Next time you think about healthy eating, don’t just think about the benefits it will have on your waistline. Rather, think of all the positive benefits your brain receives from getting the right brain-boosting nutrition!

So what is the fuel which is vital to the brain?

For optimal function our brains need:
Omega-3 fats, Folate, Antioxidants and Carbohydrates.

  • Omega-3s are important building blocks in the brain – they are vital to the proper function of impulses which take place.
  • Folate is a nutrient needed for neurotransmitter function.
  • Antioxidants keep the blood brain barrier healthy, protecting cells from wear and tear and improve blood flow by decreasing excessive blood clotting.
  • Carbohydrates are needed because your brain uses them for energy.

What are quality sources of these brain fuels?

Top 3 Brain-Boosting Foods

Fish: Wild Caught Salmon (Omega-3s – DHA & EPA)
Berries: Blueberries, Blackberries (antioxidants)
Greens: Bok Choy, Spinach, Collard Greens (folate)

One of my family’s favorite meal is grilled salmon with a side of steamed veggies and large bowl of mixed greens topped with a bit of olive oil and berries. Even my child who isn’t fond of fish loves this meal! I have a super simple salmon recipe here. As well as more information on Omega-3s and essential fats here.

So the next time you go shopping remember to stop by the produce and seafood departments to get a special brain-boosting treat 🙂


Soares AA, et al (2017)  A double- blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled clinical trial with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (OPFA ɷ-3) for the prevention of migraine in chronic migraine patients using amitriptyline.  Nutr Neurosci. doi: 10.1080/1028415X.2016.1266133.

Pu H, Jiang X, Wei Z, Hong D, Hassan S, Zhang W, Shi Y, Chen L, Chen J.(2016) Repetitive and prolonged omega-3 fatty acid treatment after traumatic brain injury enhances long-term tissue restoration and cognitive recovery.
Cell Transplant. doi: 10.3727/096368916X693842. PMID: 27938482

Pu H, Jiang X, Hu X, Xia J, Hong D, Zhang W, Gao Y, Chen J, Shi Y. (2016) Delayed Docosahexaenoic Acid Treatment Combined with Dietary Supplementation of Omega-3 Fatty Acids Promotes Long-Term Neurovascular Restoration After Ischemic Stroke.
Transl Stroke Res. 2016 Dec;7(6):521-534.

Jiraungkoorskul W. Review of neuro-nutrition used as anti-alzheimer plant, spinach Spinacia oleracea. Phcog Rev [serial online] 2016 [cited 2017 Jan 17];10:105-8. Available from:

Cardiovasular Disease & Diabetes: What is the connection?

The primary health concerns of the late 19th and early 20th centuries were infections diseases.  A shift in adverse health came about after the fortification and enrichment of foods.  Chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer and stroke became the prevailing ailments.  These diseases continue to rise, some at alarming rates.  Let’s take a quick look between two prevalent diseases today: Heart Disease and Diabetes. I am going to especially look at the incidents in Nacogdoches County in the State of Texas.  [PDF of this post here]

Some quick stats:


Is this a sign of malfunction in the bodies of the population?

Maintaining a healthy status requires a homeostasis of the bodily systems. Having healthy levels of glucose in our blood is vital for proper balance. When we eat, signals are sent in our body to aid in the metabolizing of the food we just ate.  Insulin is secreted as a result of some of those signals.  It is the “key” which allows glucose to enter the cells.  Without proper signaling of insulin, glucose cannot enter the cells.  This results in glucose going to other parts of the body.  For our body to function properly it is important to keep glucose levels stable.

When our glucose levels are outside a healthy range it attaches to proteins resulting in diabetes-1724617_1920Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs).  Excessive AGEs leads to plaque forming in the blood vessels.  One consequence is an impairment of the endothelium which lines the blood vessels.  It is hindered in releasing nitric oxide into the blood stream.  With this compromised cardiovascular system, the body has a difficult time repairing daily wear and tear.  Thus an increase in inflammation.  Heart disease often ensues.

In fact…. Studies have shown an increased incidence of heart disease in the presence of diabetes! 

With a high prevalence of heart disease and diabetes there is a need to understand the role of a proper functioning body. In regards to diabetes and cardiovascular disease the role of glucose balance is of marked importance.  Maintaining proper levels eliminates an exacerbating risk factor for both diabetes and cardiovascular disease.  A body which is in homeostasis is free of disease contrasted with a body where malfunction is present, disease emanates.

What can you do today to ensure a proper functioning body?

Begin practicing the 5 Pillars to Healthy Function!!!

Eat Quality Foods

Get Adequate Sleep

Be Active

Promote Healthy Digestion

Embrace Peace & a Spiritual Connection (Eliminate Stress)


Related Research:

A.G.E. Foundation. What are AGEs

CDC Interactive Atlas of Heart Disease and Stroke TablesGeographic Area 2010-2012.

Davis, C., and E. Saltos. (May 1999) “Dietary Recommendations and How They Have Changed Over Time,” America’s Eating Habits: Changes and Consequences, Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 750, USDA, ERS. Chapter 2.

Texas Department of State Health Services. (2012). 2012 Texas Heart Disease and Stroke

Fact Sheets, (2013). Diabetes Prevalence Among Adults BRFSS data Tables

Yamagishi, S-i., Nakamura, N., and Matsui, T. (2016) Glycation and cardiovascular disease in diabetes: A perspective on the concept of metabolic memory. J Diabetes, doi: 10.1111/1753-0407.12475.

9 Tests for Cardiovascular Risk Assessment

If you are reading this chances are you are looking for something more than the standard tests for diagnosing heart disease.  My guess would be you have a desire to get to the underlying causes and factors of your state of health.  I would further venture to say you are also looking at ways to prevent adverse health. I am going to quickly touch on Cardiovascular Assessment in this post.

Heart disease is at the top of the list of health issues in the United States and a growing concern for younger adults. There are several tests available that will dig deeper into the function inside your body and provide us with warnings adverse health is on its way.  These tests are indicators of potential malfunction and impending consequences of the disruption of proper balance.  To get a better look at what is going on ask your healthcare provider for the following tests:

  • Total Cholesterolbody-116585_1280

  • LDL Cholesterol

  • HDL Cholesterol

  • Triglycerides

  • LDL Density Patterns

  • C-Reactive Protein

  • Homocysteine

  • Lp (a)

  • Fibrinogen

Some of these you are probably already familiar with such as the Cholesterol and Triglycerides.  You may be wondering – Why the other tests?  What makes them significant?

C-reactive protein is a protein which indicates inflammation in the body.  This test is a strong risk predictor of future heart attack and/or stroke. It is important to note past or current infections can increase the levels of this protein.

Homocysteine is an amino acid which can injure the lining of blood vessels, thus triggering deposits and atherosclerosis. One study found that men with high homocysteine had 3 times greater risk of heart attack!

Lipoproteins are lipids and proteins that are transported through your bloodstream in ‘packages’. One of these is Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] Lipoprotein(a) is a marker for predicting the severity of future heart disease. This is often strongly influenced by heredity.

Fibrinogen is an important agent in the process of the formation of blood clots.  Again, elevated levels are linked to heart disease and/or stroke.

Each of these areas are affected by our diets and lifestyles.  Making changes in our habits can greatly affect the damage from elevated ‘warning lights’.  Be sure to ask your provider for ways to return a healthy homeostasis in your body!

A few quick tips are:

  • Eat Real foods, avoid packaged and processed foods
  • Get plenty of water daily!
  • Get plenty of rest and relaxation daily!
  • Exercise – the best exercise is the one you will do 🙂 Start low and go slow

As always, comments, questions welcomed and I hope this has been beneficial to you or a loved one!


[Relevant Research:

Cantin B, Despres JP, Lamarche B, Moorjani S, Lupien PJ, Bogaty P, Bergeron J, Dagenais GR. Association of fibrinogen and lipoprotein(a) as a coronary heart disease risk factor in men (The Quebec Cardiovascular Study). Am J Cardiol. 2002 Mar 15;89(6):662-6.

Lamarche B, St-Pierre AC, Ruel IL, Cantin B, Dagenais GR, Despres JP. A prospective, population-based study of low density lipoprotein particle size as a risk factor for ischemic heart disease in men. Can J Cardiol. 2001 Aug;17(8):859-65.

Blake GJ, Ridker PM. Novel clinical markers of vascular wall inflammation. Circ Res. 2001 Oct 26;89(9):763-71.

Clarke R, Lewington S, Donald A, Johnston C, Refsum H, Stratton I, Jacques P, Breteler MM, Holman R. Underestimation of the importance of homocysteine as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in epidemiological studies. J Cardiovasc Risk. 2001 Dec;8(6):363-9.

Matsumoto Y, Daida H, Watanabe Y, Sunayama S, Mokuno H, Yokoi H, Yamaguchi H. High level of lipoprotein(a) is a strong predictor for progression of coronary artery disease. J Atheroscler Thromb. 1998;5(2):47-53.

von Eckardstein A, Schulte H, Cullen P, Assmann G. Lipoprotein(a) further increases the risk of coronary events in men with high global cardiovascular risk. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2001 Feb;37(2):434-9.

Austin MA. Plasma triglyceride as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Can J Cardiol. 1998 May;14 Suppl B:14B-17B.

Got Cravings? What to eat instead…

Anyone who has made changes to their diet has probably experienced cravings! I came across a similar chart a few years ago and it has been a huge help when I go through times of craving foods I know are not a healthy choice!!!  Here is my rendition and hope it is beneficial to you in your health journey 🙂
